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Using the alignment stick swing guide

In order to help people use the alignment stick swing guide, we have put together a set of instructional videos:


This is a great golf drill from Kyle Morris creator of the golf room everywhere (https://www.thegolfroomeverywhere.com/homepage). This is a way to use your alignment stick holder to come from the inside as you hit the ball, a must if you are to stop that slice!


This is a great drill from Clay Ballard (https://topspeedgolf.com/) showing you how to use your alignment stick holder to stop pulling the club on the inside line as you take away and how to get to the right impact position.


A brilliant drill here from Eric Cogorno Golf (https://www.cogornogolf.com). In the video he uses 2 alignment sticks at an angle, you can just use one depending on whether you need to practice the backswing or the follow through (or just buy two holders from us!) But this is a great way to ensure you swing on plane and more importantly from the inside to fix that slice!.

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